“广州三年内全部换上LED路灯,全省将在五年内换上LED灯。”据了解,广东省成立绿色产业投资基金,用金融投资的形式,总投资250亿元,推广LED路灯的使用,预计10到15年可收回成本。据悉,LED 灯特别适用于公共场所,耗电量比同光效的白炽灯少80%。待到LED路灯基本普及后,LED室内照明等其他环保工程都将提上日程表。
LED Street Lamps will be Popularized Entirely in 3 Years.
“Within 3 years, all the street lamps in Guangzhou, and with 5 years, all the street lamps in Guangdong will all be replaced with LED ones.” It’s said that Guangdong Province has set up a green industry investing fund with a gross investment of RMB25 billion Yuan, in the form of financial investment, to promote the use of LED street lamps. It’s estimated that the cost can be recovered with 10 to 15 years. It’s reported that LED light is very suitable to be used in public, the power consumption of which is 80% less than the incandescent lamp of the same brightness. After the popularization of LED street lamps, indoor LED lights and other environmental-friendly projects will also be put on calendar.
In order to make the development of LED street lamps grows rapidly. The 3rd (Guangzhou) International Road Lamp, Patio Lamp & Outdoor Lighting Fair 2010 (www.rlolf.com) will be held at Poly World Trade Center-Pazhou Complex from March 26 to 28, 2010. At the same time, a series of promotion activities, like China City Illumination Energy-saving Summit, will be held in order to promote green lighting technologies and LED street lighting products and achieve a world-platform for lighting industry communication.
编辑:中国照明网 冯耀元
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