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    2014-12-25  来源:中铝网  有141076人阅读

      A. 外贸 催款信怎么写?

      一、 外贸 催款信怎么开头:

      Again we call your attention to your payment due April 30.

      We again call your attention to the following invoices which, according to our records, are still unpaid well beyond our normal terms:

      Once again, we ask for your cooperation in paying your account which is now more than two months past due.

      We have not received any response from you to the recent reminder we sent you on May 20 about your overdue account.

      You did not respond to our first reminder of your overdue balance of $2578.50.

      You have not answered my previous letters asking for payment on your $2578.50 purchase.


      Would you please let us have an explanation of why the invoice is still outstanding?

      Please let us know why the balance has not been cleared.

      We would like to know if there is a reason for your delay in paying your long overdue account.


      I am sure it is not your intention to ignore past due notices at the expense of your credit standing.

      I am sure you are not intentionally trying to make our work difficult, but that's what it amounts to.

      We realize that financial conditions in your firm have not been good recently. By now, however, we feel you should be able to start paying again.

      Perhaps you have overlooked these past due payments. It would be only fair to pay them now.

      To avoid an unfavorable report of your credit records, we suggest an immediate payment of the amount due.


      We can no longer allow this account to continue to go unpaid.

      To continue your open accounts it is necessary that they be paid within 60 days as agreed when they are opened.

      It is essential that this account be settled at once to avoid any problem with your credit standing.

      In this case, we have no alternative but to withdraw credit privileges.

      The delinquent status of your account will leave us no alternative but to remove your company from our list of credit customers.


      We would greatly appreciate your prompt payment.

      We are counting on your cooperation in making a prompt payment.

      Please send us your payment today, or at least let us know your reason for the delay.

      Please restore our confidence in you and maintain your good credit rating by sending us your payment now.

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