ANSI/TIA/EIA455-126-2000 spectr characterization of LEDs
SAE J2650-2005 performance requirements for light emitting diode (LED) road Illumination device systems
ARMY MIL-PRF-32212-2008 light emitting diode (LED) composite stop,rear turn sighal and tail lamps with infra -red secure blackout stop lamps
MIL -PRF-32213 light emitting diode (LED) clearance /sidemarker and identification lanmps
MIL-PRF-332214 light emitting diode (LED)composite front park and turn signal lamp ,with infra -rear secure blackout marker lamps
MIL-DTL-3976/1B light emitting diode (LED),marker clearance-blackout,14 and 28 volt
ARMY MIL-PRF-32215-2008 light emitting diode (LED)infra-rear secure blackout front driving lanmps
MIL-PRF-32243 light emitting diode (LED)miliary driving headlamp
DLAMIL-DTL-3976/1B-2007 light emitting diode (LED),marker clearance-blackout,14 and 28 volt
ANSI/ADA specification NO.48-2-2010 standard for light emitting diode (LED)equipment for use in lighting products
SAE ARP 5873-2007 LED passenger reading light assembly
SAE ARP881 lampshade for aircraft lighting
SAE J2895 requirements for LED"white "lighting assemblies used on construction and industrial machinery
SAE AIR6402 LED landing ,taxi ,and recognition light applications
ANSI C82.77 harmonic emission limits-related power quality requirements for lighting
UL263 灯具耐火划分--建筑施工和材料防火实验
UL840-2005 包括电气设备的间隙和漏电距离的绝缘配合
UL94-1996 设备和器具部件用塑料材料易燃性的试验
UL496 灯具配件
UL588 圣诞树和装饰灯配件
UL746C 电气设备评定中使用的聚合物材料
UL796-2010 印制线路板
UL935 荧光灯镇流器
UL1012 非2类电源设备安全标准
UL1088 临时照明用线
UL1310-2011 2类电源设备安全标准
UL1411 无线、声频与电视类家用设备的变压器标准
UL1561 干燥型通用及功率型变压器标准
ULSUBJECT 2592-2010 low voltage LED wire
UL SUBJECT 2749-2011 outline of investigation for seasonal use LED drivers and non-integral LED lighting strings
UL5085-1 低压变压器标准-第一部分:通用标准
UL5085-2 低压变压器标准-第二部分:通用变压器
UL5085-3 低压变压器标准-第三部分:2类及3类变压器
UL60950-1 信息技术设备的安全
BSR/ULE WK1004022-2011 standard for sustainability for lighting -LED modules and components
ANSI/ADA specification NO.48-2-2010 standard for light emitting diode (LED)equipment for use in lighting products
UL48 信号灯
UL153 便携式电子灯具
UL157 轨道照明系统
UL234 旅游车用低压照明装置
UL298 便携式电子手提灯
UL676 水下照明装置
UL844 用于危险场所的灯具
UL879A-2012 standard for LED sign and sign retrofit kits
UL924 紧急照明灯与出口标示灯
UL1104 航海导航灯
UL1149 船用低压照明设备
UL1196 浮动式航标灯
UL1230 业余电影和视频灯具
UL1573 舞台与工作室照明
UL1574 道路照明系统
UL1598 灯具
UL SUBJECT 1598C-2011 outline of investigation for light -emitting diode (LED)retrofit luminaire conversion kits
UL1786 小夜灯
UL1838 低压景观灯
UL1993 自镇流灯
UL1994 逃生出口路径标示系统照明
UL2108 低压照明系统
UL2388 柔性照明产品
UL8750-2009 standard for light emitting diode (LED)equipment for use in lighting products
MIL DTL 3976/1B light emitting diode (LED),marker clearance -blackout ,14 and 28 volt
ARMY MIL-PRF-32212-2008 light emitting diode (LED) composite stop,rear turn sighal and tail lamps with infra -red secure blackout tail and blackout stop lanmpss
MIL -PRF-32213 light emitting diode (LED) clearance /sidemarker and identification lanmps
MIL-PRF-32214 light emitting diode (LED) composite front park and turn signal lamp ,with infra -red secure blackout front blackout marker lanmps
ARMY MIL-PRF-32215-2008 light emitting diode (LED) infra -red secure blackout front driving lamps
MIL-PRF-32243 light emitting diode (LED)miliary driving headlamp
SAE ARP 5873-2007 LED passenger reading light assembly
SAE J2895 requirements for LED"white "lighting assemblies used on construction and industrial machinery
SAE AIR6402 LED landing ,taxi ,and recognition light applications
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