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2007-11-26  来源:杭州远方光电信息有限公司 潘建根 李倩  有16291人阅读

  摘 要:用积分球和光谱仪测量光源和灯具的颜色,用分布光度计测量光源和灯具的光强分布,已沿用数十年,技术已相当成熟,但是,近年来新光源的快速发展,其光电性能比传统光源更为复杂,简单的积分球和光谱仪相结合的测量方法已不能满足新型光源颜色特性的测量需要,同样,由于新型光源发光颜色存在空间分布不均匀性,简单的分布光度计因不能测量颜色分布,也已不能满足颜色空间分布特性测量要求,给光源和灯具的精确测量带来了新的挑战.

  摘 要:用积分球和光谱仪测量光源和灯具的颜色,用分布光度计测量光源和灯具的光强分布,已沿用数十年,技术已相当成熟,但是,近年来新光源的快速发展,其光电性能比传统光源更为复杂,简单的积分球和光谱仪相结合的测量方法已不能满足新型光源颜色特性的测量需要,同样,由于新型光源发光颜色存在空间分布不均匀性,简单的分布光度计因不能测量颜色分布,也已不能满足颜色空间分布特性测量要求,给光源和灯具的精确测量带来了新的挑战,光源和灯具光色空间分布测量最近在国际上受到了高度关注。本文介绍了光源和灯具的光色空间分布的高精度测量方法,同时介绍了由高精度快速光谱辐射计和双镜双探分布光度计构成的高精度分布光谱辐射计,给出具体灯具的实测结果与分析。本文介绍的光色空间分布测量方法以及测量设备不仅能够全面评价光源和灯具的光度和色度性能,而且还可以为光源和灯具光色性能精确物理描述提供最为详尽的客观数据,对于新光源和灯具的评价、研发和推广应用有重要意义。


High accuracy spatial photometry and colorimetry of lamps and luminaires

Jiangen Pan  Qian Li

EVERFINE PHOTO-E-INFO CO., LTD,Hangzhou,China(everfine@everfine.cn)

Abstract: For lamps and luminaries, using the integrating sphere and spectroradiometer to measure their colorimetric parameters and using the goniophotometer to measure their luminous intensity distribution have been applied for tens of years, and the technologies have been matured. However, as the fast development of new light sources which have more complicated luminous performance than traditional ones, the simple method that coupling the integrating sphere and spectrometer for colorimetry can not fulfill the measurement requirement, and at the same time, as the new light sources have uneven spatial chroma distribution, the conventional goniophotometers also can not satisfy the measurement requirement for it can only measure the luminous intensity distribution. These bring challenges, and the spatial photometry and colorimetry have attracted much attention in the world. This paper introduces the high accuracy measurement method for spatial photometry and colorimetry of lamps and luminaries, and the goniospectroradiometer comprised the high accuracy array spectroradiometer and the 2M2D goniophotometer, and the measurement results of typical light sources are analyzed. The introduced measurement method and instruments in this paper can not only thoroughly estimate but also provide the most comprehensive and objective data to describe the photometric and colorimetric performance of the lamps and luminaries. They important to appraise, research and apply the lamps and luminaries.

Keywords: spectrometer, goniophotometer, spatial distribution, high accuracy







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